It’s Christmas Eve and Santa’s reindeer are chomping at the bit to take off. They look forward to their trip every year, bringing gifts to boys and girls all over the world.
However, when Santa comes outside, ready to leave he notices a big problem, Rudolph is missing!
How will Santa get gifts to all the boys and girls without Rudolph to lead the way? Where is Rudolph?
I thought it would be nice to write a Christmas song and, since I only knew of one song about Rudolph I decided to write one about him. I couldn’t find anyone to put the song to music let alone sing it so it turned into a book. It’s beautifully illustrated by the same person who did Who’s looking at Whom, Chelsea Rawlins. It’s also a rhymer so I think kids will enjoy hearing it read to them.
For FUN & Learning
Lessons to be Learned, While Also Having
Fun with Reading
Whereas “The Guidance Series” is about issues I dealt with as a primary school counselor, my for “For FUN & Learning” books are just what that title implies. Many of them are rhyming books which kids love, some of them teach the alphabet or are learning numbers books. All of them have some sort of moral or are educating children in a fun way about something. Whether its about the environment, friendship, responsibility or whatever there’s a lesson to be learned, hopefully while having fun while the books are read to them & then having a discussion with an adult about what they should learn from the book.
The Letters Picnic
A rhyming book meant to be a fun and educational read for children learning the alphabet. Hopefully, you will enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Most people, especially children, love rhyming books. This book is simply a fun, counting to ten read that rhymes and has a bit of a tricky ending – kids love tricky endings.
It’s Christmas Eve and Santa’s reindeer are chomping at the bit to take off but Rudolph is missing! How will Santa get gifts to all the boys and girls without Rudolph to lead the way? Where is Rudolph?
A whimsical tale of boys playing a game of kick the can. However, during the game something quite unexpected happens. Kick the can quickly turns into catch the can!