The Guidance Series

Solutions to Specific Childhood Problems

Books in “The Guidance Series” are meant to be read to children by parents, caretakers, school counselors or teachers. After the reading there would hopefully then be a discussion of what the book was about and what should be learned from the story.

The books in this series fall into two categories – problem solving or problem prevention:

  • The problem solving generally deal with a specific issue [divorce, stealing ,sleep issues, etc.]
  • The problem prevention stories are meant to be more educational in nature and teach skills used to avoid problems in the first place [personal space, bully proofing, making and keeping friends, etc.]

All the books in this series are about real issues I was involved in helping elevate or social skills I taught my students as their school counselor.

During my career I had many books I would read to my students to help teach them important lessons about such things as manners, responsibility, etc.. I had a small library in my office for that purpose and I also used that to loan parents and teachers books on various topics to read to their students or children. 

I would suggest to my fellow elementary school counselors adding the books in this series to their personal or school library. You never know when one of them might come in handy and, compared to many books I purchased , they are not very expensive.

Joseph, Froggy, and Mrs. Slattery

Selective mutism is a difficult problem to overcome. But, with the student described in this book, we were successful—no easy task with this condition.

The Bubble Brigade

Teaching Children the Concept of Personal Space and how to Protect Themselves

This book explains the concept of personal space and the skill of self-protection, “bully-proofing,” in an easy way for children to understand.

Four Friends

A Book about Making and Keeping Friends

Some children seem to make friends easily while others struggle. Children can be taught friendship making skills as well as conflict resolution.

The Dream Box

The story of a second-grade girl who is having sleep issues. The technique illustrated in this book was used successfully numerous times by the author in dealing with students with the same problem.